旅するように、デザイン、建築する。その過程、コミュニケーション、協力、共有を楽しみ、新しい価値を発見、創り出すための、“Unit0”というコンセプトプラットフォームを立ち上げました。プロジェクトごとに色んな分野の人が集まり、アイデアを出し合い、創り出すチームです。 “0から創り出す” 、”ヒエラルキーのない(0)” 、”境界のない(0)”ことを原則として、グローバル性、多様性をのみこむ、楽しめる”もの”, ”空間”, ”環境”づくりを、現在は、日本、ベトナムを拠点に活動しています。
“Design like travelling” Unit0 is our Concept Platform established to aim to discover and generate new design through enjoying the process, dialogues, collaboration and sharing. We gather and organize the team for each project to pursue the concept of “Unit0”. The principle is, 1. Generating, emerging, inventing from “0” 2. No (“0”) hierarchy for sphere, team and thinking 3. No (“0”) boarder, boundary.
Unit0 base: Japan, Vietnam

Research is one of our basic scope for preparation of Design. Solution of Issues and New Concepts are generated through the research work from Definition, Acknowledgement of Current Issue, collecting Viewpoints and trends, Integration of data and Analysis. We have experiences of individual research works, e.g, “Research for Welfare Facilities in the university campus and re-arrangement of masterplan of facilities”, “Research for Sample and Trends of Projects through the collaboration between, Industry, Public and Academy”, “Research and Solution for Traffic Safety in the Campus”, “Research for Trends of Accommodation, Cafe, Coworking Space”